Good Shepherd International Fellowship

The Good Shepherd International Fellowship is a worldwide association of biblically-grounded ministers and churches dedicated to promoting unity in the Body of Christ through relationships and shared ministry. It was organized in 1975 and has its headquarters in Davis, California USA.
The Fellowship’s members represent a variety of denominational and non-denominational affiliations; for some, their primary ordination and accountability is through the GSIF which offers legal and practical means to support ministers in fulfilling God’s call on their lives.
Other “affiliate” members choose to associate with Good Shepherd International for shared vision, support and fellowship while maintaining their primary accountability to another licensing body. All members endorse the GSIF’s Statement of Beliefs and have been recommended for membership by ministers who are familiar with their character, ministries and gifts.
We believe there is power in unity. When we work together to obey our Heavenly Father’s callings and command, the true manifestation of Jesus and his message in John 17 is clear to all:
I am praying for them…. that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
(John 17:9,23)